The Good and the....not so good
Every day, at least once, a man stands outside my apartment and plays the accordion (I think I am starting to memorize his play list ☺)
There is an old woman that lives across the way from me, and she never fails , at the same time every day to walk out onto her balcony to tend to her beautiful flowers. When she sees me she smiles and waves and says Buonsera!
Most people I have met are very kind and want to help you. The big difference I see here compared to America is that people don’t seem to be stuck in their little bubble of friends. They are very inviting here and want to be friends with everyone and when they ask you how you are doing, they really are interested in the answer not just saying it as a formality.
The way people dress is lovely. Hats are in here, and I love it! I wish I could buy everything in the store. Did you know they are 6 months ahead in fashion here?
The way the men dress is very beautiful ☺. You would never dare see an Italian man in shorts or heaven forbid basketball shorts!
The Gelato. That is all I need to say on that subject.
The first Sunday of every month the museums are free. I got to see David for free! I feel like I cheated Michelangelo.
Trying all of the different types of food… so many new things!
My teachers! They are amazing! I love my classes. It ‘s crazy to be learning all about Italy when you are living in it.
Training in singing and dance is thrill to do here
Seeing the Duomo from almost everywhere in the city.
People seem to love life, and just enjoy living.
Train tickets are very cheap. 8 euro to get to Pisa.
I love my new friends here!
Walking across the Ponte Vecchio on the way to class
I’m going to the Opera!
Everything where I step it is full of history. It is almost too overwhelming.
More to come about my love for this city! Too many to write down at once.
Well… not everything is Perfect Bullet Points
I have almost been here for three weeks and I still am missing one of my bags… I have emailed and called the airport dozens of times. AirFrance said it is at the airport, Florence said it is not.. UGH. I want my stuff.
Not having a garbage disposal. I can deal with not having a dish washer but when you are living with 6 other girls and we are all making different food, not having a disposal in the sink makes things very challenging.
Bed Bugs. Yes. We had bed bugs… It wasn’t our fault… they were here when we moved in but we had to be homeless yesterday while they fumigated our apartment.
I am surrounded by some of the best food in the world but I want to save my money for traveling that I end up scraping by on food
Having to cook for yourself for the first time and you’re in a foreign country has proved to be a challenge.
25 euro was stolen from me in Lucca…
I don’t trust Italian men as far as I can spit (and that’s not very far)
You have to reserve time for the practice room and it cost 100 euro to use it
There are lots of homeless people and gypsies and you see them lying in the streets and some get very mad when you won’t give them money
I know that it is a culture thing but it makes me a little sad when at night there are tons of people drinking and parting in front and on the steps of all of these beautiful and historical churches