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Shengyang, China

After leaving Beijing, the Sycamore Singers traveled to Shenyang, China, which is about 5 hours north by train. Shenyang is a wonderful "medium size" city of 8 million! While there, we performed at the following schools: Shenyang University, Liaoning University, Shenyang Art School, Shenyang Normal, Shenyang Conservatory, and the US consulate!

On our third day in Shenyang, we were invited to perform on TV with the Shenyang Children's choir. After the performance was over, we were then informed that we were going to play a game. The game show hosts had us split up into teams and ping pong balls were set in a pile at one end of a table, while each us held chop sticks. We then had to work together as a team to pass the ping pong balls from one side of the table to the other using chop sticks! While the studio audience was chanting ,"come on"! ( the only english phrase they knew), and the host commentating our every move!

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